Cursive Writing preserves history and reduces stress!

Children 6+ can learn proper technique for cursive writing. Children under 6 can attend with an adult present. $10 to attend and students receive a custom stationery kit, 20% off coupon for Just WRITE and Alfie's, plus a free guided-tour at the Robbins Hunter Museum.

 Classes offered once a month Saturday's from 10a-12p.

Email info@justwriteohio.com for available spots.

Preserve Our History

At the Robbins Hunter Museum you will find many historical documents in the archives. They are not printed emails or typed letters. They are all handwritten in cursive. Imagine our children growing up without learning to read and write in cursive. How will we pass down our history if future generations cannot translate what these documents say? 

Benefits of Handwriting

In addition to reducing stress there are several benefits to handwriting. You sharpen your memory when you write opposed to type. Your penmanship is truly one-of-kind. No one else writes like you and your personality shines through. When addressing difficult issues or problem resolution, writing enables you to organize and collect your thoughts. Not only does it help you debate your case more effectively, but the act of writing out how you feel can eliminate the emotion and help you stay true to the facts.